stephen king

my august challenge

hey there internet!

today i wanna talk about my favourite month: august. as a kid it was my favourite because not only was i not at school, but it was also my birthday! as an adult the excitement has died down slightly but i'm still a big kid when it comes to my birthday!

so every year i like to do something different with the things i love in the month of august. last year it was only watching horror films, the year before that i spent the month rewatching all of my favourite tv shows.

this year might just be my favourite though!

to celebrate turning twenty five 😱 i have decided that i'm only reading books by stephen king!

now i love stephen king. i've written about how much i love him quite a bit over my time on the internet (including this post a few days ago) and so finally i'm dedicating a whole month to reading a bunch of his books that i own (i think i'm up to 53?!) and am still yet to read!

i'm so excited & i'll be sharing reviews & thoughts as the month goes on ☺️💕

all the love, meghan xx

28 thoughts on “my august challenge

    1. everyone around me always thinks i’m being weird but i just like the idea of enjoying things you know you love around your birthday πŸ˜‚ thank you!! πŸ’•


  1. everyone around me always thinks i’m being weird but i just like the idea of enjoying things you know you love around your birthday πŸ˜‚ thank you!! πŸ’•


  2. Number 1 Happy birthday!
    Number 2 OMG I LOVE STEPHEN KING!! This is an awesome idea. My goal every month is to read 1 SK book so I can start working on reading my SK collection! I read IT about a month ago and that book took me a full 2 weeks! And this is coming from someone who reads a book in 1-2 days on average!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. thank you!!
      omg yes someone else who loves him!! that’s such a good idea! i chose to do this so i could get a chuck of my collection read, i have too many haha! oh it took me ages to read IT, and i read pretty fast. i just kept getting creeped out so had to stop πŸ™ˆπŸ˜‚

      Liked by 1 person

  3. This is a brilliant idea! I may dedicate a month to doing something I love too around my birthday too. I’ve never actually read any Stephen King books (awful I know), I probably should though! x

    Liked by 1 person

    1. you should! it’s really nice to just have the time around your birthday filled with something you love haha. oooh you definitely should pick one up!! (i say that to literally everyone though because the guy is my favourite πŸ˜‚) xxx

      Liked by 1 person

  4. I actually have never read a Stephen King book…and I don’t think I’ve seen any of the movies, either? I know quite a bit about them though just because of pop culture and my parents read a lot of them. I do have The Shining and Misery on my Kindle though, and I do want to get to them soonish! (Maybe October for Halloween?)

    Liked by 1 person

  5. That sounds like an awesome challenge! I hope you enjoy it. Happy birthday! I hope it’s a great one. I just stumbled upon your blog, and I’m greatly enjoying its content.

    I’m new to blogging and book reviewing, and I was wondering if you had any tips for newbie bloggers and book reviewers.

    If you have the time, please check out my blog @breenysbooks. I’d love any feedback. Have a wonderful day.


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